Eastern Oregon University > Student Affairs Office > Sex Matters > What to do if you are Sexually Assaulted …

What to do if you are Sexually Assaulted …

  • Get to a safe place immediately.
  • Contact someone who can help you right now such as a friend, family member, Sexual Assault Response Campus Advocate, RA or AC, or a professional advocate. Shelter From the Storm has trained advocates available 24 hours a day to take calls, provide support, and extend their services to victims of sexual assault or domestic violence. They can also assist victims in finding other resources. Call (541) 963.9261.
  • Consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you do not want to report to the police, or if it has been a while since the assault, you may still benefit from medical attention. Medication to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections is available at the Student Health Center. You can obtain medical services free of charge, as well as have the option of having a forensic exam to collect evidence by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) within 84 hours of the assault by accessing the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) through 911 or Shelter’s hotline number (541) 963.9261. A SANE exam is critical in case you decide to report the assault at a later date. Partial evidence may also be collected within one week. You are encouraged to bring a change of clothing if you choose to have a SANE exam and/or file a police report.
  • If you want to report the assault to the police or ask that evidence be collected at the hospital, do not shower, bathe, douche, wash your hands, brush you teeth, comb your hair, or use the toilet. Even though you may desperately want to clean yourself, you may destroy important evidence if you do so. If you have done any of the things mentioned, it is ok, it may still be possible to find evidence. If you have already changed out of the clothes that you were wearing at the time of, or before or after the assault, place the clothes in a paper (not plastic) bag and take them with you as they may contain evidence important for law enforcement and medical professionals.
  • Consider finding emotional support for yourself from a professional counselor. The Counseling Center (541) 962.3524 has psychologist available who have experience in trauma resolution and healing for survivors. Shelter From the Storm (541) 963.9261 also has a professional counselor available.

Please know that the university WILL NOT pursue any conduct violation against a victim for substance use, including alcohol, at the time of sexual assault/harassment if the sexual assault/harassment is reported to the Director of Student Relations