Student Relations

The Director of Student Relations is available to listen and field questions and concerns of students and their parents/families and work collaboratively with faculty and staff to remedy student issues, help you navigate college policies and procedures, and connect you to useful and appropriate resources at EOU.

Through a commitment to building bridges and enhancing services to students and developing collaborative, mission-specific programs to promote students’ progress and personal development the campus community is enhanced by promoting student responsibility and responding to situations that detract from the living and learning community.

The Director of Student Relations provides the following services:

Whether your needs are administrative, academic, personal, or emotional you are welcome to contact the Director for support and guidance.

Director of Student Relations
Colleen Dunne-Cascio
Hoke Union Building, 220
541-962-3924 (fax)

Assistant Director of Student Relations

Jordan Withers
Hoke Union Building, 219
541-962-3924 (fax)