SMS Texting

SMS Texting Procedures

SMS text messaging is an effective channel of communication that Eastern Oregon University provides to incoming and current students.  Communication with students are directly relating to student safety or student academic success that is considered critical and/or time sensitive.

One-on-one and scheduled SMS texting relays any of the following messages:

  • Emergency notifications (opt-in not required)
  • Campus closures (opt-in not required)
  • Student information, inclusive of admissions, academics, student accounts and financial aid
  • Important information and time sensitive information, inclusive of deadlines and notices critical to student academic progress
  • One-on-one communication from EOU staff regarding appointments and meetings that support the success and retention of the student eg. advisor uses texting to set-up meetings or check-up on the progress of the student.

Opting Out

Receivers of texting may use any of the following to opt-out from SMS Texting from EOU.

  • Reply to text message by typing the words STOP (best option)
  • Text 541.790.0910 with the message STOP
  • Call 800.452.8639 and request the IT help desk
  • Email us at

After opt-out is sent, sender will receive a text message confirming they have opt-out from further SMS Texting from EOU.

EOU’s SMS Texting Policy