Table of Contents:

1. Getting Involved
2. Registration
3. Finance & Funding
4. Reserving Space
5. Food on Campus
6. Travel
7. Advertising/Marketing
8. Event Programming
9. Advisors

1. Getting involved:

What is the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)?

CSI, located in Hoke 204, enhances your student experience outside of the classroom through involvement in student clubs and organizations. Our staff is there to help you take advantage of all the leadership opportunities our campus has to offer. The office provides consultation to brainstorm ideas and support toward event management, budget development, fundraising and leadership/organizational development workshops. The area also allows for an open lounge space for clubs/organizations to gather and network with one another with various resources available to them.

What are the hours for CSI?

CSI is generally open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday in Hoke 204.

Why should I join a club/organization?

There are many reasons for joining, but a club/organization can lead to many exciting opportunities for you to develop leadership, make new friends, plan events, give back to your community, acquire new skills and to connect with the EOU community. The heart of campus involvement at EOU begins with clubs and organizations.

How can I learn more about a group before attending a meeting?

Ask any staff member in the Student Involvement office for additional information about a club/organization or visit our directory and contact officers directly.

Will my grades suffer if I get involved in a club/organization?

The first step is learning how to manage your time effectively and this is entirely up to you. The first step is not to get overly involved in many clubs/organizations. Find the one that you are passionate about and become a part of that group. Studies show that students who get involved in something outside of the classroom actually do better academically because they are more connected to the university and are exposed to the faculty/staff on a regular basis.

As a junior/senior, is it too late to get involved?

It’s never too late! There are many opportunities for all individuals to get involved. Whatever level of involvement you desire, there’s something at EOU for you to join and get engaged in the campus community.

Who decides what events are brought to campus?

Eastern Student Entertainment (ESE) is the primary programming board on campus and it is run by students for the students. You can go directly to their office (Hoke 207) and offer suggestions or get involved by volunteering in one of their many events throughout the year. For more information, contact them at ese@eou.edu.

Do you have any clubs/organizations that explore different cultures?

The University has various clubs and organizations that offer students the opportunity to explore new cultures and/or experience personal growth. These clubs and organizations allow students to learn about various cultures and share their experiences through international awareness.

Does EOU offer any clubs/organizations that are focused in the outdoors?

EOU has many clubs/organizations that specialize in outdoor activities. The Outdoor Adventure Program offers specialized classes, trips/clinics and has equipment for you to check out. Check out the Outdoor Adventure Program (Hoke 118) to find out what resources are available for you.

2. Registration:

How do I start a student group?

We currently have approximately 40 clubs/organizations available for students and are continually finding ways to engage our students. Your intent to create a new club will help us with that goal. However, please note not all new clubs are automatically approved to be active (based on several factors including but not limited to the number of similar organizations, the interest and sustainability, the use of campus resources and potential conflict with EOU mission and/or policies) and that by initiating this process you are on the right path.

Before you begin, contemplate and consider if your proposed club overlaps with any existing clubs? You can access our list of current clubs here.

If it does not, to apply for a new active club. Click here on the steps to creating a new club.

Do we have to turn in an Intent to Be Active Form every year?

Yes. As students graduate and/or new leaders are selected to each club and organization, groups are required to submit a new ITBA form for financial purposes as well as to provide contact information to the Center for Student Involvement staff.

How do I update our club/organization’s Intent to be Active Form?

Contact CSI at (541)962-3705, e-mail us at center@eou.edu or stop by our office in Hoke 204.

Can someone start a club that is similar to a current club on campus?

No. We do not allow clubs to duplicate their missions or purpose of existing clubs. However, we encourage students to think about how they can create a club that is unique to their own mission and vision, but meets the needs of the student body. If similarities do exist between clubs, it is important that individuals collaborate to create a club that is effective and sustainable.

How long does it take to become a new student club/organization?

The recognition process is a procedure that entails verification based on several factors including but not limited to the number of similar organizations, the interest and sustainability, the use of campus resources and potential conflict with EOU mission and/or policies. Additionally, timing for the process depends upon whether all required information has been submitted to the Center for Student Involvement (Click here on the steps to creating a new club.) and is sometimes dictated by how quickly groups can respond to staff requests. Please be assured that the CSI staff will do everything to make the process as quick and proficient as possible.

What is the difference between a student club and a student organization?

An organization is a group that is closely tied to a department and/or written into the job description of a department member to advise the group. Additionally, the funding for the organization is initiated through the Student Fee Committee process, which allocates monies to those groups that have been granted an opportunity to submit a budget request/proposal. Organizations often also serve the entire student body population, whereas clubs can be focused in on one particular entity to create and strength relationships with the campus community and additional awareness.

A club often is a group of students with an in-depth purpose that specifically enhances the student learning experience whether through governmental, cultural, political and/or special interest issue settings. Through the recognition process, clubs must also contract with an advisor, but have the opportunity to select an advisor that may not have ties to a specific department and/or the club. Funding for clubs is determined through seeking out resources for money through Senate Allocations (a subgroup of the Associated Students of Eastern Oregon University) that regularly allocates funds each term and/or putting together various fundraisers within the community.

What kinds of resources are available to student clubs and organizations?

By being a recognized club/organization, student groups the following benefits are available: use of space by reserving rooms, outdoor space and entertainment areas, permission to publicize on the Student Involvement boards and Digital Signage, ability to post events on the event calendar, participation in campus activity fairs, ability to apply for and receive additional funding through Senate Allocations or Vending Committee as well as support services from the Center for Student Involvement. These services include guidance for policies and procedures related to event management, financial management, advertising/marketing, travel in addition to usage of banner-making tools, computers/copier access, a leadership resource library and the peer leader workshop program.

Can I start a new club or maintain a club without an advisor?

No. All clubs must have an EOU faculty or staff member advise the club. Advisors must be faculty/staff from EOU and/or partner programs like OSU, OHSU and ODS and must have permission of their immediate and departmental supervisor. It is important that student clubs/organizations select advisors who will help the organization meet its goals and provide guidance along the way.

Is there a mandatory training day for clubs/organizations?

Yes, it is held every fall at the beginning of the term. Details regarding the training are provided directly to clubs/organizations via e-mail.

3. Finance & Funding:

What is a Student-Fee Funded Unit?

A student-fee funded unit is an organization that is primarily funded by the Student Fee Committee with funds generated and supported by students. Currently, there are 14 student-fee funded organizations. Additionally, these units maintain regular interaction with University staff, rely on the University for additional funding, facilities, event planning as they have higher level of accountability to all students.

How can a student club become a student-fee funded unit?

A club can seek to become a student-fee funded unit by submitting a proposal during the annual budget process, held in January. Documentation regarding the eligibility of becoming a student-fee funded unit can be found in the by contacting Associated Students of Eastern Oregon University at asvpfin@eou.edu.

How does funding for clubs & organizations work?

Student clubs & organization can receive funds in a variety of ways – dues, fundraising and allocations from the Student Fee Committee, Senate Allocations and Vending Committee. Any monies earned must be put into a university club account. Club funds may be spent to support the stated purpose or mission of the club as voted by its members; not for individual personal gain. If the funds are from a student-fee allocation, the group may only spend those funds for the purpose they were requested.

Each club or organization that receives funds or collects revenue has an established club account within the University. These funds must be deposited into the account and may be used for any reason as longs as it supports the club and is approved by the membership.

What are other sources for funding on campus for clubs?

Clubs may request funding for specific functions by submitting an application request to the Vending Committee and/or Senate Allocations. Senate Allocations approves proposals every term (excluding summer) with proposals due the Friday of 3rd week & 7th week. Vending Committee meets on a regular basis as proposals are submitted.

Keep in mind that there are different requirements/eligibility for each request. Clubs should review all documentation prior to submitting proposals.

How do I receive a reimbursement?

Individuals seeking reimbursement must submit the Payment Request form. All requests must be submitted through the Center for Student Involvement with proper signatures on the form, matching the current Intent to be Active form. Additionally, club officers cannot sign off on their own reimbursements and must have additional signatures. Each payment request form must have the original, itemized (listed items bought) receipts and/or invoice.

How long will it take to get a reimbursement?

Reimbursement requests take a minimum of 7 – 10 working days to process and checks are only cut on Wednesdays. Therefore, it is essential that all completed paperwork is immediately turned in to process reimbursement in a timely fashion.

What do I do if I am given an invoice?

Invoices must be turned into the Center for Student Involvement. Please make sure that listed on the invoice is the organization’s name, index code and member name/contact information to ensure appropriate delivery and payment. Invoices also need to have the Payment Request form.

Can my club/organization give donations to a service agency?

Yes. Your club can make a donation to a service agency (or even another club); however, organizations cannot make such donations as these funds are allocated for specific uses. In order to make donations, your club must organize a fundraiser, and then only the net profits may be used as donations. The donations must be strictly directed toward and collected by the service agency.

Can my club pay for a dinner at a restaurant?

As long as expenses are justifiable and have been budgeted, the club account may pay for dinner. Please keep in mind that in order to be reimbursed, you must include an original, itemized receipt. The University will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages. For organizations, University funds can only be used to pay for an official guest’s meal and one student/employee’s meal if they are considered a host to the guest. The meals must be at a per diem rate or they will not be reimbursed. Additionally, EOU purchasing policy is that only a 15% tip is allowed. Any purchase that goes over the 15% tip will not be reimbursed.

Can my club have a savings or checking account at a bank?

No. Your club must have all funds coordinated through the University.

How do we access our group account and/or spend funds?

Groups may purchase clothing, travel, food (refreshments only unless granted prior approval), etc. (as long as it is related to the function of your club/organization and properly approved). However, before you spend, the Intent To Be Active Form must be on file with the Center for Student Involvement. Additionally, you should contact the Center to make sure that proper funds are available within your account prior to purchasing.

How does our club deposit funds received into our club account?

All funds must be deposited with the Center for Student Involvement within one business day; however, if receipts are under $200, they must be deposited at least weekly (note: cash must always be secured). If cash must be stored overnight, it must be kept in a securely locked drawer. Deposit amounts must match the receipts submitted with the deposit. All deposits should be recorded on a deposit log maintained within the club/organization. The log should include deposit slips, amounts, and indexes where deposits were made.

What happens to the money left over in our accounts at the end of the year?

Club funds are kept in their accounts and transferred over for use the following fiscal year. Organizations, however, are collected through the Student Fee Committee and either held within a reserves account or allocated through Carryover/Forgiveness (which occurs every Fall term).

4. Reserving Space:

How do I reserve space on campus?

To reserve a space, contact the Facilities Scheduling office here or submit a request via e-mail at schedule@eou.edu.

What does a club/organization need to do to host an outdoor event?

If there are special requests for the event, (i.e. tables, chairs, electricity) contact Facilities Scheduling at 962-3575. There may be additional charges for some special requests. Outdoor events with music after hours must work with the Center for Student Involvement to request approval on city permits.

How do I reserve a table in Hoke Union Building or other academic buildings?

Contact Facilities Scheduling at 962-3575 for assistance with reserving space and tables.

How do I get audio-visual equipment for my meeting/event?

Contact Facilities Scheduling at 962-3575 for all audio-visual equipment. Make sure that you have your club/organization account code available when reserving equipment.

5. Food On Campus:

Can groups bring food and/or use vendors from off campus?

Groups may request a catering exemption, through the Off Campus Food Request form, from the contract food service provider (Genuine Foods) for the following reasons: 1) food is being 100% donated by an off campus vendor or 2) the group wishes to purchase food from an off campus vendor that extends beyond limited food and beverage service for strictly in-house events closed off to the public. Generally outside catering companies are not approved to be used on campus.

Can clubs/organization serve/sell food or drinks on campus?

Yes, but any food and/or beverages served on-campus (regardless of whether they are sold or given away) must be approved ahead of time and supplied through EOU’s catering supplier, Genuine Foods.

How can I obtain an Oregon Food Handlers Card?

You can obtain a card by completing the food safety test online (www.orfoodhandlers.com). The fee for each individual test is $10.

Can I have a bake sale/sell food on campus?

Clubs and organizations must work with food services (Genuine Foods) to hold bake sales and/or sell food on campus, due to liability issues involving food handling and food preparation.

Can we serve alcohol at our event?

Policy restrictions, requirements and guidelines can be provided through the Center for Student Involvement that constitutes the framework for student-sponsored events that include alcohol.

May groups hold potlucks under specific circumstances and have it open to the public?

No, potlucks are gatherings where individuals provide a single food dish that is shared with the entire group. A private household preparing food is not an approved source and would not be allowed for public consumption. When the food event or activity is open to the public and licensable, food from home is not allowed. Options to provide food at your event are: Campus Food Service (Genuine Foods), already prepared food (prepackaged cookies, chips, crackers, etc.), or prepare food on site with a temporary restaurant license. If your group wishes to provide already prepared food or prepare food on site, the Off Campus Food Request must be submitted accordingly.

6. Travel:

My group wants participate in travel to an off-campus site as part of our club/organization functions. How does that work?

Groups must complete the Travel Packet form in order to get proper approval to travel and request club/organization funds for travel purposes.

Are there available sources in which a club/organization may request travel for individual attendance at conferences?

Individuals and/or clubs may request funding for travel through Senate Allocations. Proposals are due every 3rd and 7th Friday of each term with presentations held every 4th and 8th week of the term. Note that student fee-funded units may not request these funds. Proposal applications can be requested through the Associated Students for Eastern Oregon University or found on their website.

7. Advertising/Marketing:

How do I get an event on the activities calendar?

Clubs and organizations that submit posters and flyers to the Center for Student Involvement will have their events posted automatically on the calendar.

How do we make copies or get posters made?

Copies can be made through the Center for Student Involvement. Your club/organization must have a copy code from the Center in order to generate billing for your purchase. Keep in mind that copies are currently charged between .05/copy to .60/copy (dependent on size and color).

How can I publicize a program or event on campus?

Events can be publicized once an event registration form has been submitted and approved by the Center for Student Involvement. Clubs/Organizations are responsible for the creation of their own advertising/marketing though some assistance can be given from CSI staff. The materials (posters, flyers, etc.) can be given to the Center for approval and posted on the student activity boards throughout campus. Currently, the Center requests 20 copies to be given in order to post around campus and in the residence halls.

8. Event Programming:

Can my club/organization put on a Movie Night?

Movies cannot be shown unless your organization has provided proof of public performance rights to the Center for Student Involvement. Commercial films, videotapes, DVDs and Blueray discs, all have copyrights that restrict the manner in which they can be shown. Contact the Center for Student Involvement (541-962-3705) to find out how to purchase the rights to a film. Keep in mind that purchasing rights to a film costs between $400 – $900.

Can I post flyers or use club funds if my event has not been approved yet?

No. You cannot do any of the above mentioned activities until you have turned in an event registration form to the Center for Student Involvement office (Hoke 204).

9. Advisors:

What is the role of an advisor?

An advisor serves as a resource person for the club/organization. Advisors should be available to provide advice and counsel student clubs/organizations by asking and generating questions, encouraging students in their thinking process and generating additional learning opportunities and challenging the organization to go above and beyond the status quo.

Does the role of an advisor vary dependent on the club/organization?

Yes. However, an advisor should be more than a person who provides “just a signature.” An advisor works with the club/organization to determine the assistance/advisement needed. This varies from group to group, but is determined by looking at the club/organization’s needs and goals. Appropriate communication should occur between the advisor and the group to determine what that role will look like during the year. An advisor’s role can focus on leadership growth and development, program assistance and organizational purpose, and/or being an organizational liaison.

Why should I become an advisor?

Part of the Center for Student Involvement’s mission is to enhance the student experience by engaging students through social and cultural programs in order to enrich the lives of those participants. As an advisor, you too will help enrich the lives of students outside of the classroom. In doing so, you will help build the EOU community, foster mentoring relationships and stay up to date with campus events. This experience also allows students to get to know faculty and staff outside of the classroom.