Student Fee Committee

What are student fees?

At Eastern Oregon University, the fees that each student pays are broken down into 5 major categories.

  • Building Fees
  • Instructional Course Fees
  • Health Service Fees
  • Hoke Special Renovation Fees
  • Incidental Fees (Student Fees)

Incidental Fees, also referred to as Student Fees are a portion of money collected from students to give back to different student groups. These dollars are allocated by students that sit on the Student Fee Committee (SFC) who serve as representatives of the EOU student body. The purpose of these fees is to fund programs and activities which, in addition to the traditional academic elements of the University, further the cultural, educational, and physical development of the students at large.

Forms & Files:

Budget Proposals are due in January 2024 (Budget Packets are available late fall term & may be requested at that time).

Student Fee Budget Documents

Student Fee Committee Guidelines

SFC Agendas

SFC Minutes

Where do my Student Fees go?

Incidental Fees, or Student Fees, are currently used to fund the following organizations:

SFC funding chart
  • Associated Students of Eastern Oregon University (ASEOU)
  • Eastern Student Entertainment (ESE)
  • Indian Arts
  • Intercollegiate Athletics
  • Music Tours
  • Nightingale Gallery
  • Oregon East
  • Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP)
  • Recreation and Wellness (Fitness Center/Intramurals)
  • Science Journal
  • Senate Allocations
  • Student Council for Multicultural Affairs (SCMA)
  • Student Union Activities (SUA)
  • Theater
  • Trapshooting

The Student Fee at Eastern Oregon University is currently $354 per term for on campus students and $28 for online students. The SFC allocates approximately $1.2 – $1.4 million to 15 different organizations on campus.

Who is the SFC?

The SFC is composed of:

Director for Financial Affairs for ASEOU (chair)
Eight Voting Members, which include: ASEOU President, 3 ASEOU Senators and 4 students-at-large

Interested in joining the SFC? Then, apply to be a Student-at-Large representative! Click here to apply.

The Responsibilities of the SFC

The Student Fee Committee has the authority and responsibility to:

  • Evaluate the funding needs of the student fee supported program.
  • To evaluate the various programs in term of their contributions to the EOU student body.
  • To submit annually to the institutional president, with the approval of the ASEOU Senate written recommendations for the incidental fee charges to students for both academic year.
  • To submit to the institutional president, with approval of the ASEOU Senate, written recommendations each year on the distribution of SFC income.
  • To submit to the institutional president, with approval of the ASEOU Senate, written recommendations for budget increases or decreases and how they are to be distributed across the funded areas, according to whether the initial incidental fee projections each year are over- realized or under- realized.
  • To submit upon request, to the ASEOU Senate or the institutional president (both orally and in writing) SFC’s assessment of how well the funding levels reflect the concerns and desires of the general student body.
  • Analyze and appraise budget requests.
  • Analyze and appraise rollover and forgiveness requests.
  • Conduct budget investigations.
  • Recommend to the University President the budgets for those programs to be funded by student fees after obtaining as broad a base of student participation as possible.
  • Recommend the level of Student Fees required to fund the proposed budget.
  • Work with student fee funded student representatives and advisors to accomplish budget goals and increase student involvement.

Why Student Fees Are Important

Student fees are part of the educational mission of the University:

  • They help provide education and training not available inside the classroom.
  • Student fee funded units allow students to expand their learning through action and organizing.

Student fees are controlled by students to help maintain student autonomy:

  • Locally controlled process governed by designated students
  • All student group and activity budget are closely scrutinized to give quality programs to the University community.

Student fees support a marketplace of ideas:

  • A true education comes from exposure to a full spectrum of ideas.
  • Student fees provide an open forum to hear all ideas and speech.
  • They help support student groups and their ideas.