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Eastern Oregon University is a great place to get a Bachelor’s degree or minor in Mathematics. We have passionate faculty with diverse backgrounds and skill sets to help students achieve their goals. Students get to know their professors in small, personal classes, as well as gain access to a variety of opportunities for help. Perhaps the best part of our program is that there are numerous opportunities for enrichment and resume-building outside of the conventional classroom. Students can…
All math majors get the opportunity, and in fact are required, to do individualized research as part of their senior math capstone. However, the faculty recommends that students get a start on research earlier in their EOU math career.
Check out our Student Successes to see other student’s research by scrolling down!
In addition to conventional undergraduate publications, EOU students can publish their research in the Eastern Oregon Science Journal – it’s a great way to learn about mathematical publishing conventions. There’s no better way to learn than by doing!
The Eastern Oregon University Spring Symposium is a special opportunity for EOU students to present their research to their fellow students, professors, and community members. Presentations can be in a conventional audience setting, as a poster presentation, or as part of a panel presentation.
Students have an opportunity to travel across the region and present their research to their student peers. Typically, the regional conference we attend is either the annual Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS) sponsored by the Pacific Northwest section of the Mathematics Association of America (MAA) or the annual Pacific Inland Mathematics Undergraduate Conference (PiMUC).
Faculty Point of Contact: Dr. Amy Yielding ( )
EOU COMAP Competition: Teams of 3 students compete against thousands of universities across the world in this 90-hour international mathematics modeling competition.
Faculty Point of Contact: Dr. Anthony Tovar ( )
EOU Math Competition: The E.O.U. math competition is a two-hour contest held Winter Term. It is open to any enrolled E.O.U. student, though it is primarily intended for those students taking calculus or higher-level math. All questions should be understandable by anyone who has had the yearlong calculus sequence. Solutions to the problems will usually require creative uses of mathematics rather than deep knowledge or intensive computation.
Faculty Point of Contact: Dr. Steve Tanner ( )
Kryptos Challenge: The Kryptos Challenge is a cryptology competition centered around the breaking, or cryptanalysis, of ciphers (secret writing). Each challenge presents contestants with a brief scenario together with some ciphertext (encoded message). The goal is to discover the original English plaintext message! The competition is hosted by Central Washington University.
Virginia Tech Math Competition: The Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest is sponsored each fall by the Mathematics Department at Virginia Tech. More than 200 colleges and universities throughout VA, DC, GA, IL, MD, NJ, NY, OH, NC, PA, SC, TN, WV and other states are invited to participate each year.
These competitions are available each year, but participation is sometimes limited by student interest.
The purpose of the Irrationals Math Club is to provide opportunities for math enthusiasts to meet and explore their common interests. The Math Club is a primarily student run club, and it facilitates both fun and helpful math-related activities throughout the year, including social events, game nights, and study sessions.
Point of Contact: Dr. Amy Yielding ( )
Tutoring: While a great way to learn something is by doing it, a better way is to teach it. Contact the Learning Center if you would like to share your passion for Math with others as part of the Math Lab.
Grading: The Mathematics department has a significant service mission, so there are opportunities for students to become paid graders. Contact the Math professor teaching the class you’d like to grade for.
Study Session Leading: Leading Study Sessions for math classes is a great way to get teaching experience as an undergraduate! Again, contact the Learning Center for more information.
Cash without the Experience: There is an assortment of scholarships available. Some of the local ones, like the Math Education scholarship and the Ralph and Ester Badgley Memorial scholarship, … are specifically for math and science students.
EOU High School Competition: Students have opportunities to do outreach by helping EOU host hundreds of regional school students in our annual high school math competition.
Lego Robotics Competition: EOU hosts the local chapter of this national competition.
Girls in Science: Girls in Science is an all day camp where girls in grades 6-8 solve a themed mystery using computer chemistry, biology, computer technology, and other sciences.
Do some homework, meet a friend, or just hang out at the Math Study Lounge in Loso Hall, room 223.
Student Career Services Center: Students can get help with the resume/cover letter/job interview process.
Systems Analyst
Market Research Project Manager
Tutoring Center Coordinator
Business Analyst
High School Math Teacher
Lighting Designer
University Professor
Software Engineer
Health Data Analyst
Community College Professor
Cost and Risk Analyst
Retail Business Owner
Analyst Programmer
Mathematics Department Andrew-David Bjork, Ph.D. Loso Hall 225