

The Academic Standards Committee is a standing committee governed by the EOU Faculty Senate.

The Constitution Bylaws outline the charge of the committee:

Section 3. Academic Standards Committee

A. Organization and Membership. The Academic Standards Committee shall consist of thirteen members, including six teaching faculty: two teaching faculty from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; two faculty from the College of Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Health Sciences; one faculty from the College of Business and one faculty from the College of Education; two students; two administrative professionals; and two classified staff. In addition, a staff member from the Registrar’s Office shall serve ex officio and shall serve as the administrative assistant and secretary to the Committee.

B. Reporting. This committee shall report to and recommend policy to the Faculty Senate.

C. Duties and Responsibilities.

1. To develop, recommend, and interpret academic policy.

2. To serve as the hearing board in all matters regarding academic standing at the University. The Committee is empowered to make exceptions to academic regulations if, in spirit, such regulations are satisfied or, if the strict application of the policies would impose an educational disadvantage or undue hardship on the student. Consideration of exceptions may include consultation with the appropriate administrative unit responsible for maintaining the regulations in question.

From Constitution Bylaws Page 8

Committee Chair

A chairperson will be elected annually at the first meeting where a majority of members are present. The chairperson serves for a one-year term. Until a chair is selected, the committee assistant will coordinate committee business.

Administrative Assistant

The Registrar’s Office will appoint a member of its staff to serve as administrative assistant to the committee.

The Committee Assistant will:

  • Support the elected chairperson in the completion of ASC business
  • Solicit schedules from members as needed to coordinate times for meetings
  • Communicate with students about their hearing appointments, and organize the appointment schedule
  • Reserve a secure and private room for meetings (equipped with the necessary phone and computer connections and provide equipment as needed)
  • Prepare all documents as needed for consideration of student petitions
  • Complete all paperwork related to student petitions
  • Keep a record of proceedings, instruct committee on guidelines and track decisions
  • Secure the room when not in use
  • Follow up as necessary in the conveyance of committee decisions
  • Destroy all document copies according to Registrar’s normal procedures

Hearing Procedures

The Academic Standards Committee meets with students to discuss academic difficulties and deliberates about their future status as an Eastern Oregon University student.

Hearings and deliberations should be conducted with these thoughts in mind:

  • The student is an individual. His or her unique life situation is valued and respected.
  • Coming before the ASC is an uncomfortable situation for most college students. The committee should make every effort to make students comfortable.
  • As we challenge the student’s understandings and views, we also must be willing to support the student in their current stage of development. A balance of challenge and support is necessary for student growth and development to occur.
  • Decisions will be made with the student’s best interests in mind. At the same time, we must honor the integrity of Eastern’s established standards, policies, and procedures.
  • A student’s academic record and information revealed to the committee should be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. No discussion of ASC student deliberations or other committee business should take place outside of committee meetings. Discussion of a student’s academic record outside of official business can constitute a violation of federal educational privacy laws (FERPA).
  • No transcripts or student petitions shall leave the room. The committee chairperson can make exceptions to this general rule in the case where follow up is necessary. If written documents are removed from the meeting room, they should be returned to the committee’s administrative assistant for proper disposal upon completion of the task.
  • Committee members are expected to attend all ASC meetings. If conflicts exist, the Administrative Assistant should be notified well in advance.

General Hearing Guidelines

  • Prior to student entering room or phone call, written documents and transcripts are reviewed – the committee will determine the issues to be explored with the student.
  • The student is called into the room and may be shown where to sit.
  • Chair or hearing leader will greet the student and explain why the student must appear before the ASC.
  • The student may be asked to comment on: their current academic situation, any attempts taken to correct problems, their proposed plan for success, etc.
  • Committee members ask questions.
  • In most cases students are asked to leave the room so the committee can deliberate.
  • The decision is rendered to the student, and the student will receive a confirmation email confirming ASC recommendations. This recommendation will also be sent to the students’ adviser and necessary departments across campus – this may include, but is not limited to, Financial Aid, Residence Life, Disability Services, Athletics, Testing Services, etc. 
  • Chair excuses the student.
  • If the committee approves the student’s petition, the student may then complete registration – if not already registered. This may require additional steps as directed by the committee or may include holds that may be in place by the Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Advising Offices, etc. that may be required to be cleared prior to registration.

The ASC may make stipulations and impose limitations that are aimed at assisting the student in achieving academic success.

Some possible committee requirements/recommendations may include but are not limited to:

  • Limiting the number of credit hours for which a student may enroll. A twelve- credit limit keeps the student at a full-time status. A nine-credit limit reduces the FTE (Full Time Enrollment) to .75 and will correspondingly impact the amount of financial aid the student will be eligible to receive.
  • Require/suggest the student add or drop certain course(s).
  • Require/suggest the student engage in placement testing to determine appropriate course level.
  • Require a student meet with his or her adviser.
  • Require/suggest a student meet with University support offices.
  • Require the assignment of a Success Coach.

Formal Grievance Hearings

In the cases where a student disagrees with a committee decision and desires to pursue a formal grievance, they should follow procedures outlined under the Complaint and Grievance Procedures located within Student Services.

The grievance policy and procedures are located in the EOU Student Handbook under “Category 5: Grievances by Students Pertaining to the Satisfaction of Graduation Requirements, Academic Probation, or Academic Suspension.”

For questions, email the Academic Standards Committee at