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Economics Program

Economics at EOU

What do Bill Belichek, Warren Buffett and Mick Jagger have in common? They were all Economics majors!

Welcome to the Economics Program at Eastern Oregon University. The Economics degree at EOU provides for a rigorous understanding of economic and social issues that affect us all. The Economics degree at EOU allows you to explore topics as diverse as environmental issues, job creation, money and financial markets and economic development. Through the capstone course, students have the opportunity and are encouraged to do research on issues affecting rural communities, including the regional community in which we call home, eastern Oregon. If you would like to pursue a career in public policy, business, finance, or pursue graduate work in Economics, the EOU Economics degree may be for you.

So, what do you do with an Economics degree from EOU? That’s a question that is often asked and the answers are varied. Economics provides a rigorous program of quantitative and qualitative skills that translate exceptionally well to many future paths, including the financial field, law school, the public sector, private enterprise, or pursuing graduate study. But, don’t take it from us. See what our graduates are up to! (You may recognize a couple of the names)

Please explore the links on the right where you can learn more about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness plan, the faculty’s work, and our approach to online teaching. Thanks for visiting!

 “The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually slaves of some defunct economist.”

– John Maynard Keynes

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Forbes ranks Economics degree 2nd for job offers!