
Peter Maille

Peter Maille, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Economics
Contact: 211 Zabel Hall

A funny thing happened to me on my way through life – I became an economics teacher! I took my first econ course while pursuing an Associate’s Degree in forestry, and I flunked it! Fast forward about 25 years, and I’ve been a Peace Corps Volunteer, worked for a non-profit, worked for the Federal Government, ran a small business, and earned three more degrees including my PhD in economics. Basically, I found out that I am committed to doing my very best to teach our students about household and firm behavior, and my specializations are in environmental economics and development economics.

Scott McConnell

Scott McConnell, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Economics
Contact: 210 Zabel Hall


I finished my PhD in Economics at the University of Missouri – Kansas City in 2013. My dissertation research focuses broadly on theoretical fiscal policy options for energy conservation. I recently published a paper on the fiscal effects of the public works projects such as the Civilian Conservation Corps, which was responsible for doing many jobs that are relevant for the Eastern Oregon region, including clearing logging roads and building much of what is not Anthony Lakes Ski resort. In summer of 2015 I flew to the Micronesian Island of Yap to research the Rai Stone money as a history of economics work.


My primary teaching interests are macroeconomics, monetary policy, history of economic thought, and finance, all of which I teach here at Eastern Oregon. I am very proud of the students in the new economics degree this coming year. My teaching philosophy centers around the notion that teaching requires engagement by the students and myself. I do what I can in the class room and online to engage the students as much as possible so that economics is less something that exists in their textbook, but properly becomes the world around them. When I am not in the classroom, I enjoy all things economics, sports (Detroit), fly fishing, music and motorcycles.

Josephine Lugovskyy

Josephine Lugovskyy, Ph.D

Online Instructor

Dr. Lugovskyy has been a college-level professor for more than 4 years. She graduated from Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and Economics in 2007. She received her Master of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Kansas (KU) in 2010 and the PhD in Economics from KU in 2012. She has taught economics, finance, and mathematics at both the graduate and undergraduate levels and pursues research concerning the financial markets, asset and wealth accumulation, and terrorism. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga, spending time with family, and shopping online. She is also the proud mother of an 8-year-old cat named Napoleon.

Kofi Nkansah

Kofi Nkansah, Ph.D

 Online Instructor

I received my advanced degrees from West Virginia University (masters and PhD). Before assuming an adjunct position at Eastern Oregon University, I was an instructor at the West Virginia University. Over the years, I have taught classes in microeconomics, agricultural economics, energy economics, environmental and resource economics at the West Virginia University. I like West Virginia University football and Philly Eagles!!