James Stolen

James Stolen
Senior Instructor II of English and Writing

Eastern Oregon University
Loso Hall 220
La Grande, OR 97850

James Stolen grew up in Alaska and Oregon. He served as Peace Corps Volunteer in Lesotho
between 2006-2008. An avid adventurer, photographer and writer, he is often found outside the
classroom exploring the local region of Eastern Oregon. He teaches creative writing and literature
and is involved with the Outdoor Activities Program and Summer Bridge.

 BA English, Carleton College, Northfield, MN 2006
o Overseas study in England 2004
o Overseas study in Ireland, 2005
 MFA Creative Writing, Virginia Polytechnic Institution, Blacksburg, VA, 2013

James Stolen has publications in Callaloo Review, Shenandoah, Bellevue Literary Review, Sierra Nevada
Review and Minnesota Review, among others. He is currently working on a novel and a collection of essays.