Eastern Oregon University > What's the good word? > web quotes > Allison VanLeuven

“I am so pleased with my EOU Online experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a supportive and positive online educational experience. When I decided to go back to school I knew I needed something that would fit my needs, and EOU was exactly what I was looking for. As a single mother of a 4-year-old and 1-year-old triplets, I knew that typical in-person college classes wouldn’t work for me. Luckily, EOU has numerous programs and degrees that are entirely online. I have always loved working with children and EOU’s Early Childhood Education degree was perfect for me. At first I was nervous about online classes, as I had only previously taken in-person classes before, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out how easy they were to navigate and how accommodating they were to a person like me who has limited time to devote to school work. What I really enjoyed about my online classes was the feeling of a community even though we are all far apart, and the ability to communicate with my classmates and professors from anywhere in the world.”

Allison VanLeuven, '20
Early Childhood Education
Pendleton, Ore.