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All students that wish to present at the Spring Symposium must have completed the online Abstract Submission Form by April 18th.
Abstract submissions provide a background of your project, a description of your methodology or creative approach, a hypothesis or results (preliminary results are accepted), and a statement regarding the overall significance of your project (including impact, application, novelty, etc.). Please remember, the abstract should be no longer than 200 words.
NOTE: Your project does NOT need to be completed in order to submit an abstract. We will accept abstracts from students that are currently working on their project and will have it completed by the Monday prior to the symposium.
Schedule TBA
Spring Symposium is your opportunity to present your academic work in a professional setting. Be prepared. Practice your presentation. Set up your poster on time and/or arrive a little early for your session. Dress appropriately for this special occasion.
All Spring Symposium presenters will receive a lanyard with a name tag, a copy of the program, and a gift from the EOU Foundation: a handmade mug designed by the Ceramics Artist in Residence. In-person presenters, plan to pick up these items during the continental breakfast preceding the keynote presentation, 8:15-9:00 AM on the day of the Symposium.
If you are working with your faculty sponsor to print your poster (most Chemistry and Biology students), they will advise you on your poster format.
If you need to have your poster printed by the STMHS office:
Set-up begins at 8:00 AM on the day of the Symposium in the Loso lobby. Find your name on your poster spot along with 4 T-pins, and pin up your poster.
Your poster should be pinned up by 9:50 AM at the latest. If you cannot make it between 8:00 and 9:50, please make arrangements for someone to pin up your poster for you.
If you would like your poster to be archived at EOU Library, please send a PDF file of your poster to Include a statement granting permission to have your poster archived.
All talk presentations will be presented in hybrid format whether the presenter is on campus or is presenting from a distance. The audience may be both in person and online. A host will moderate the session, providing an introduction, and monitoring questions at the conclusion of your presentation. Sessions will be recorded. Students presenting talks have 15 minutes to present, with 5 minutes Q & A (20 minutes total). Panels have 30 minutes and up to 20 minutes for Q & A if needed.
On campus presenters: Students should arrive 5 min prior to the start of their talk. Identify yourself to the session host who will begin your presentation with an introduction. The host will monitor the time and give you a 2 minute warning before you need to complete your presentation and then have time for questions.Online presenters: Students will be given a Zoom link for the Talk session and should join the Zoom session at least 5 minutes prior to beginning their presentation. Students should test camera and microphone/speakers prior to the Symposium sessions. Be ready to share your screen if you wish to include a visual as part of your presentation. If you need assistance testing your presentation through Zoom, please contact Steve Tanner or Kevin Roy prior to Symposium day.
If you do not want to keep the lanyard, drop it off in the basket near where you picked it up in the morning after you have finished your symposium activities for the day.
Poster presenters, please take down your poster by 3:00 PM or arrange for someone to collect it for you.