Oregon East

Oregon East

Oregon East is a student-run art and literary magazine.

Published annually, the magazine showcases work from students of Eastern Oregon University.

2022-2023 Edition (Volume LIII)

Curated by Editor Christopher Densmore, Managing Editor Mary K. Urquhart, and Art Editor Jessica Hitzman, the 2022-2023 issue exhibits a beautiful arrangement of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art from a collection of talented students. View edition details & samples

Contact Oregon East for your free student copy! The journal will also shortly be available for purchase at JaxDog Books in downtown La Grande and at the EOU Bookstore on campus.

Oregon East 2022-2023 Cover
Cover Art by Kimberly Baum


Contact Information

Oregon East Magazine
Hoke Center #328
Eastern Oregon University
La Grande, OR 97850

Blogging East. An OE Blog

  • Introducing the OE Blog

    2012 OE Cover

    Welcome to the Oregon East Blog! Our goal is to create a dynamic space for the EOU community to discuss literature, arts, and culture—and to promote the literary and arts events happening on the EOU campus. Blogging East extends the mission of Oregon East’s annual print journal, whichserves as a place for EOU students to…

    Read the full article

Submit your work

Students can now submit work for consideration of the 2023-2024 issue. Click here for the submission guidelines.