Eastern Oregon University > Writing Center > Discipline-Specific UWR Criteria

Discipline-Specific UWR Criteria

In Winter 2013, three faculty groups met to identify writing criteria valued in specific disciplines. Using the existing University Writing Requirement (UWR) as a framework, disciplinary faculty developed criteria maps, lists, rubrics, or other document forms that function to inform students in UWR courses, assist faculty with UWR course design and writing assessment, and facilitate UWR assessment at the time of program assessment. This pilot has also informed work that EOU contributes as participants in Oregon University System’s Degree Qualification Profile (DQP) grant.

Disciplinary faculty “own” the documents they create, with the Writing Center and Writing Across the Curriculum providing web space for a public archive. A faculty group may choose to revise their discipline’s document and re-post it on this page at any time, with the stipulation that the approved institutional UWR provide the framework. Disciplinary UWR criteria will begin appearing in periodic program reviews in 2014.

Disciplines listed below are engaged in or have completed UWR criteria development.

Last update Spring 2018