Eastern Oregon University > Master of Arts in Teaching > Secondary Endorsement Areas

Secondary Endorsement Areas

MAT-Single Subject Endorsement Areas

  • Agriculture
  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • German**
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Social Studies
  • Spanish

In order to qualify for the MAT-Single Subject endorsement area(s), the teacher candidate must have preparation equivalent to a major in the field. If the teacher candidate does not have a major in the subject, then he/she must have taken classes equivalent to an Eastern Oregon University Bachelor’s Degree in the subject area.

Please note that these are guidelines only and that a transcript review and advising are needed to assure that you will meet the requirements for admission into our program. For advising, please contact:

Kristin Johnson
Zabel Hall #227

*Cannot be taken as a stand-alone endorsement. Contact an adviser for details.

**Limited placements available

Teaching Standards and Practices Commission badge

Eastern Oregon University’s teacher preparation programs are accredited through Oregon’s Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC).