Eastern Oregon University > Center for Teaching Learning > University Learning Outcomes

University Learning Outcomes

University Learning Outcomes – ULO

In 2009-2010, EOU faculty developed a University Learning Outcomes framework adapted from the American Association of College and Universities’ LEAP essential learning outcomes.  The intention is to provide a systemic framework within which faculty can articulate the goals of EOU’s degree and general education programs, as well as define and map where essential learning outcomes occur throughout the curriculum.  Through this foundational framework, the EOU faculty commit to document and to verify what an EOU undergraduate knows and what they are able to do through transferring practical and intellectual skills to new contexts throughout their education and upon graduation. 


  • Content Knowledge: Gaining breadth of knowledge in the subjects selected.
  • Communication: Strengthening their ability to inquire, create, and communicate
  • Civic Engagement: Being engaged in the community and exercising personal and social responsibility 
  • Critical Thinking: Integrating, applying, and reflecting on their skills and knowledge

  • Approved at University Council on January 12, 2010
  • Approved at Faculty Senate on March 2, 2010
  • Revised and approved at EPCC on October 22, 2019
  • Revisited and discussed but remained unchanged at Faculty Senate on November 5, 2019
  • 2009 Report

Civic Engagement VALUE Rubric

Critical Thinking VALUE Rubric

Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric

Oral Communication VALUE Rubric

Written Communication VALUE Rubric