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Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 (CSCPA), which became law Oct. 28, 2000, but which delayed certain provisions until Oct. 28, 2002, amends the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act. CSCPA provides special requirements relating to registration and community notification for sex offenders who are enrolled in or work at institution of higher education. In addition to the Wetterling Act, CSCPA also amended the Clery Act, an annual crime-reporting law, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to allow the disclosure of this information regarding students.

As provided in the Wetterling Act, any person required to register under a state sex-offender program must notify the state regarding each institution of higher education in that state at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. They also must alert the state of any change in enrollment or employment status.

Under current state law, computerized sex-offender information can be obtained through local law-enforcement agencies and the Oregon State Police through the sex offender registration information line at 503-378-3720, ext. 4429. This computerized database can access sex offender information by name, address, zip code or county.

Additionally, the Director of Student Relations will maintain a list of sex-offenders who have been required to report their sexual-offender status to the institution under federal and/or state law.


All Forms of harassment are a violation of federal law (Title VII and Title IX) and OAR 578-033-0220. EOU strives to provide a respectful environment of all of its citizens. Harassment of students, faculty or staff by any member of the university community is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Abuse of positions of economic, supervisory or academic power is oppressive and will be regarded as harassment. Sex discrimination, a form of sexual harassment, also is a violation of law and administrative rule.

If you believe you are being harassed, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 541-962-3476. Complaints are assured maximum possible anonymity. Complaints are handled in accordance with EOU Policy; retaliation is prohibited.


Additional Resources


Title IX Brochures

Native American DVSA Brochure


Title IX Poster (Spanish)

Title IX Poster ( English)

Statement on retaliation

EOU prohibits retaliation against individuals who engage in reporting a complaint of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, and/or stalking. Retaliatory behavior is regarded as additional misconduct and may lead to increased sanctions.

Department of Labor Privacy and Security Statement

Questionnaire Results

In February of 2020 the Title IX Office and Shelter From the Storm distributed a digital questionnaire to the EOU Community in an effort to understand what the EOU Community knew about Title IX and privileged resources.  Three hundred and two (302) employees and students responded. Some of the questions had multiple correct answers; please keep this in mind when reviewing the outcomes below as they will not equal 100% for a given question. The following are the results of this questionnaire.