Project Schedule & Updates

Posted April 4th, 2017

Estimated Schedule

WC Construction & Mobilization – Spring Break 2017

Hunt Hall Demolition – Early Summer 2017 – Fall 2017

Start of North Campus Restoration Construction – August 2017

Completion of parking lots and finalize landscaping and underground utilities – September 2018

Latest Updates


Contractors completed removal of the construction fences from the North Campus Restoration (Hunt Hall demolition) area on Wednesday, Sept. 26. There are still some miscellaneous items to complete including signage, lighting, and handrails on a couple of stairs. There is a significant amount of newly planted grass. Please make every attempt to protect it until it becomes established and can withstand foot traffic. Early next week contractors will begin installing fencing around the area just south of the Gilbert Center and will begin to make improvements in that area.


Construction fences were moved again today. Pedestrians using the sidewalk along the east side of I Avenue as they head to and from Inlow Hall and 12th Street are directed to use the new sidewalks that course through the newly landscaped area. A small area on the north end of the Inlow Parking Lot is yet to be finished and the fences were extended to the north to encompass the access route to Inlow Hall which is used for maintenance access, as well as trash and recycle collection. Within this area, contractors will develop a hammerhead turn around for large vehicles including trash trucks so that these vehicles can exit in forward versus backing out has been done in the past. This will significantly improve pedestrian safety. It will also provide a staging area to support future student events.


Work on the North Campus Restoration (Hunt Hall demolition area) Project continues to stay on schedule. Next week contractors will begin to transition from one parking lot to the other. They are currently finishing work on the Gilbert Parking Lot and a portion of the Inlow Parking Lot. Early next week they will adjust the construction fencing so that work can begin on the remainder of the Inlow Parking Lot. It is anticipated that starting Wednesday, August 1, parking will be available in the Gilbert Parking Lot and a portion of the Inlow Parking Lot.


Contractors began renovation of the South (Gilbert) Parking Lot by removing the existing asphalt.


There was limited activity throughout the winter months. Some additional lighting was installed.

Currently, preparation is underway for the new construction season. Plans are to renovate the South Parking Lot (Gilbert Parking Lot), build the North Parking Lot (Inlow Parking Lot), remove the existing Inlow Parking Lot, and finalize landscaping and underground utilities. Additionally, intentions are to improve the south entrance to the Gilbert Center if funding is available.


Currently, contractor crews are busy reshaping the topography in and around what used to be Hunt Hall.  This work includes preparing the subgrade for several critical pathways, as well as placing topsoil in areas that will be planted with vegetation.  The push is on to complete this work prior to the onset of extremely cold weather.  The intent is to have the South Parking Lot useable for the winter months, including access to the Gilbert Event Center/Ackerman Hall and access from the South Parking Lot to the North Parking Lot.  Next spring work will continue with the finalization of the South Parking Lot, construction of the North Parking Lot, as well as removal of the North Parking Lot as it exists today.


Contractor crews will begin to remove the roofing on C-wing of Hunt Hall later this week or early next week. For the safety of pedestrians, a section of fence will be moved to expand the work site. Relocation of the fence on the south side will block the sidewalk and enclose the entire Hunt Hall south parking lot. Access along the top of the steam tunnel will remain open.


Campus Accessibility and Safety Improvements begin – A large renovation project will begin on the west side of campus. Construction is scheduled to begin with fencing between Alikut, Quinn, and Zabel Hall.  The project is currently projected to include safety improvements. Those improvements include new lighting, ADA accessibility, and new pathways for areas between Loso, Badgley, Hoke, Pierce, Ackerman, & Inlow.  An overview of the project can be found by clicking HERE.


Asbestos Abatement Begins – The Abatement of Hunt Hall’s Asbestos will begin during the week of May 22nd.


Public Presentation. A presentation about the project was opened to the public and and occurred from 6:00 to 7:30 pm on April 4th 2017.  The presentation opened opportunities for questions and feedback on the project and history of the site.  The entire presentation can be viewed at the top of this website.


Fences have gone up. Fences have been placed around hunt hall and the lower southern parking lot below the building. Removal of all remaining debris, loose salvage items, and hazardous material from the building has begun.


Where is everything in the building going? All the stored material has been removed and relocated, except a significant geology collection.  We are certainly going to preserve the collection and are working on the logistics of that move.  There is also the large vinyl records collection owned by KEOL. The records have been relocated to the first floor of Hoke.

Will the inside and outside of the building be photographed for historical significance? Before we move forward with abatement or demolition activities, a precise photographic record of the exterior, interiors and building details will be recorded and archived.  This is along with the four sets of construction documents associated with the hall.